Managing SportIntroduction Sport today has developed into a major industry in the global market place. Sport businesses build global brands and, increasingly, develop modes of international operation. The trade around the globe of goods, equipment as well as the construction of sports complexes, racecourses and arenas has developed into a multi-billion dollar business. Mainstream academic literature often suggests that sport should be studied in specialist niches on the grounds that it is ‘not generalizable’. Indeed, sport does have a number of distinctive characteristics which may influence the way in which it internationalizes and the extent of its globalization. Sport events have uncertain outcomes, evoke strongly emotional responses from spectators which result often in an intense, sometimes unexpected, loyalty. 2013 Conference At the 2013 Conference in Istanbul we will have one General Track and two sub tracks: 47) Managing sport - General Track The sub track Managing Events will examine the nature and scope of event management through a cross disciplinary lens. Since events are universal and occupy a special place in all societies and cultures focus is on related studies demonstrating what is unique and challenging about event management. The sub track Sport Governance covers issues like how sport organizations deal with tensions between different stakeholders and conflicting logics; with (mis) governance of sport which often makes the headlines: accusations of corruption to gain the hosting rights of mega-events such as the Olympics or FIFA World Cup and vote-fixing to elect committee members. Awards have been awarded for several years and in 2013 will be presented by Emerald Group Publishing Ltd: a best paper and a best reviewer award. A selection of best papers will be included in a special issue of Sport, Business and Management. This special issue aims at being available online at the time of the conference the following year. A pre-conference and SIG excursion is planned in cooperation with a local top sport club. Key contacts Sten Söderman SIG chair, email.; tel +46 8 16 30 24 Strategic Interest Groups > Managing Sport |
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