Welcome to the Strategic Management SIG!Strategy SIG Activities at EURAM 2013 Date: Wednesday, 26th June 09:00 - 10:15 10.45 – 12.00
Date: Wednesday, 26th June After the official welcoming reception, we intend to jointly move to a nice, nearby restaurant to enjoy a lovely meal in the company of fellow strategists. We invite you to join us for the first Strategy SIG Dinner in the history of EURAM. Further detail regarding the venue will follow soon. SIG Plenary Date: Friday, 28th June This session will be dedicated to the further/future governance and organization of the Strategy SIG. Topics such as the composition of the SIG board, leadership, task and responsibilities, etc. will be on the agenda. Since this session will take the form of an open discussion, you are highly encouraged to attend and to get involved in the discussion. We are looking forward to welcoming you at our SIG events!
The striking success and enduring popularity of this particular SIG are premised on our commitment towards bringing together scholars from all around the world to engage in the development and exchange of high-quality research ideas with the potential to fertilize and drive the future directions of scholarly and practitioner strategic thinking alike. We hereby invite you to submit full paper versions of your work to one of the 6 tracks or one of the associated sub-tracks within the Strategic Management SIG no later than January 15th, 2013, 14:00 Brussels time via www.euram2013.com. Empirical, conceptual, and practitioner-oriented papers from a plurality of theoretical perspectives, units of analyses, contexts, and research designs are welcome, with particular encouragement for those integrating multiple theoretical lenses and/or methodological approaches. All submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind basis by two reviewers. Please adhere to the style guide of the Academy of Management when preparing your manuscripts and indicate on the title page to which sub-track you are submitting. If you have any further questions regarding the SIG or the sub-tracks, feel free to contact Henk Volberda (hvolberda@rsm.nl) or one of the other track chairs. We are eagerly looking forward to your submissions and ultimately discussing your contributions in Istanbul! Yours faithfully, Prof. dr. Henk W. Volberda Strategic Management SIG Chair Tracks This time the SIG will comprehend six tracks and a total of four related sub-tracks 64) Strategic Management - General Track65) Business Model Innovation - Joint track with Entrepreneurship66) Corporate Strategy: Managing and Governing Alliances, M&AS and DivestituresCoopetition strategies: exploring new borders 67) Management & Technological Innovation at a Crossroads: New Processes, Practices and Structures a) Port Strategy: competitiveness and value creation b) Strategic Innovations in Healthcare Management: Citizen-centric Health Systems, Processes, and Practices c) Rethinking Strategy in Times of Technological Change 68) Strategic Renewal: Driving Sustained Adaptation in Changing Environments 69) Exploration, Exploitation and Ambidexterity
Track Chairs A key pillar of our success is the high-caliber academics that chair our sessions and help authors develop their ideas (see further below for an alphabetical listing of chairs). These scholars will bring their ample experience from publishing and serving on the editorial boards of leading journals such as Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Management Science, Organization Science, and Journal of Management Studies to engage with you in state-of-the-art dialogues in strategic management. Ansari, Shahzad, University Lecturer in Strategy, Cambridge Judge Business School, s.ansari@jbs.cam.ac.uk Cabiddu, Francesca, Assistant Professor, University of Cagliari, fcabiddu@unica.it Damanpour, Fariborz, Professor of Management, The State University of New Jersey, damanpour@business.rutgers.edu Laamanen, Tomi, Professor of Strategic Management, Aalto University Institute of Strategy, Tomi.Laamanen@unisg.ch Le Roy, Frédéric, Affiliate Professor, HEC Paris, frederic.le_roy@univ-montp1.fr Parola, Francesco, University of Napoli “Parthenope”, francesco.parola@uniparthenope.it Reinmöller, Patrick, Professor of Strategic Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam, patrickreinmoeller@gmail.com Routzies, Audrey, Associate Professor, Toulouse Graduate School of Management, audrey.rouzies@iae-toulouse.fr Sidhu, Jatinder, Associate Professor of Strategy, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, jsidhu@rsm.nl Spieth, Patrick, Assistant Professor of Innovation Management, EBS Business School, patrick.spieth@ebs.edu Tunçalp, Deniz, Assistant Professor, Istanbul Technical University, tuncalp@itu.edu.tr Van Den Bosch, Frans, Professor of Management Interfaces, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, fbosch@rsm.nl Volberda, Henk, Professor of Strategic Management Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, hvolberda@rsm.nl Strategic Interest Groups > Strategic Management |
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