Welcome to the Business & Society SIG!

The Business & Society SIG’s objective, in order to develop a European based B&S stable and supportive research community, is to bring together scholars from various disciplines of the social sciences: management but also law, sociology, economics, political science, social psychology, history.....and philosophy, who share a common interest in B&S issues. The B&S SIG aims to promote research collaboration among its members through EURAM Conferences, networking, preparation of common publications and answers to EU or national funding programs.

Our agenda for EURAM 2013 in Istanbul includes:

• 5 tracks which purpose is to support a sustainable and cooperative effort of research
• 2 Symposia
• Contribution to the General EURAM Doctoral Colloquium
• Special issues and publication opportunities
• Meetings of the B&S SIG members
• Social networking activities

Tracks and call for papers

-5) Business & Society General Track welcomes all submissions not relating directly to one of our 4 more focused tracks and wishes to bring together scholars from various fields of the social sciences (management, law, sociology, economics, political science, social psychology, history…), who share a common interest in B&S issues. This track also includes 5 sub-tracks: Alternative Business Models for sustainable development; Artistic Practices and Management Models: Critics, aesthetics, creativity and "beauté du geste"; Health Care Activities through a critical lens; Philosophy, philosophy of Science and Organization Studies: influences, connexion and overlaps; Responsible management of Global Value Chains: Cases and Research.

- 6) Accounting, auditing and control for sustainability: interdisciplinary perspectives. This track welcomes both theoretical and empirical papers on any research topic related to sustainability accounting, management control, auditing and/or reporting & disclosure. The purpose of this track is to explore new challenges and new prospects for sustainability accounting research, and discuss future directions of research. We aim to bring together a large spectrum of different theoretical lenses and research methods, and explore various types of organizational settings and practices in different countries.

- 7) Institutions and Change. Our purpose is to better understand why institutions and organizations change, despite their inertia and their domination over individual members through the routines and regularities. In short, what difference is made to institutional dynamics by enacted events (which can be social innovations) that are initiated by individual actors (traders, entrepreneurs, managers) and actants (such as oil wells and hurricanes)? )? How organizational rules and codes (imperfectly) prevent from unintended change? To what extent are managers effectively monitoring institutional change?

- 8) Organisational evolution towards the sustainable enterprise; With this track, we would like to tackle some of the key questions related to the organizational change and learning challenges that companies face as they identify, make sense and manage sustainability issues and rapidly evolving stakeholder expectations on corporate behavior. The track invites theoretical development and empirical papers. It focuses on the following research question: How do firms learn to integrate and manage sustainability in their enterprise model? An enterprise model goes beyond the usual notion of business model and includes organizational dimensions like shared purpose, shared values, and culture.

- 9) Transculturalism, diversity and the future of management (shared with the SIG Gender, Race and Diversity in Organizations). Management is facing variety of challenges, notably overfinancialization, technological innovations, demographic changes, transcultural diversity, ethical interrogations and political turbulences. The aim of this track will be to discuss the future of management and managerial practices in the face of these challenges. The particular focus will be on the relationships between demographic changes, transculturalism and management of diverse workforce in the context of future of management.


- Community governance and sustainable development policies of communities and territories. The definition of new models of governance should lay on the concept of “collective institutions”, conceived as self-organized systems of participatory democracy whose members share, consciously and rationally, a defined common interest. Innovative public policies, aimed at positively integrating private development practices, should be inspired by principles of sustainable development and collaborative actions while complying with agreed sustainable rules and goals.

- Rethinking social and economic world through management: Management Research and (Arab) (R)Evolutions. What happens when the factors of production are social capital, social media, and “collective intelligence”? How are these “means of production” going to be controlled and by whom? To answer those questions, rethinking capitalism and management concepts are a starting point. Analyzing Arab revolutions could help because they are now calling to turn the dominant model on its head and then to consider an entirely new set of conditions.

General EURAM Doctoral Colloquium

Invites PhD-students addressing research problems in the area of Business & Society to discuss preliminary and intermediate results with mentors. GENERAL EURAM Doctoral Colloquium takes place prior to the conference.

Special Issues and books publication opportunities

The Business & Society SIG propose a range of Special Issues for publication in CSR-related journals or in books. Particularly:

• Papers submitted to the Business & Society General Track will be considered for publication in Society and Business Review (Emerald)

• Depending on their originality, quality, and other editorial considerations, among the papers submitted to the track “Accounting, auditing and control for sustainability”, a few eligible research papers will be invited for publication in a guest edited volume of the book series “Studies in Managerial and Financial Analysis” (Emerald, series editor: Prof. Marc J. Epstein).

• The following link also allows identifying the main call for papers of interest for B&S SIG members (see, in sources, announcements for upcoming special issues of academic journals):

Social Networking Activities and meetings

The Business & Society SIG will organize some responsible social networking activities in Istanbul, as well as meetings, in order to welcome all its members, to present its activities and, together, define our priorities and the ways to animate a fruitful cooperation.

The precise schedule and locations will be defined later.

Join our B&S SIG and Contact Us

For further information, please contact Business & Society SIG Programme Chairs Lucrezia Songini: and Corinne Vercher: or Julienne Brabet:


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